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All Christmas History Page 4
Profusion Of Food At Christ-tide
If any exception can be taken to Christ-tide in England, it is to the enormous amount of flesh, fowl, etc., consumed. To a sensitive mind, the butchers' shops, gorged with the flesh of fat beeves, or the poulterers, with their hecatombs of turkeys...
Profusion Of Food At Christ-tide
If any exception can be taken to Christ-tide in England, it is to the enormous amount of flesh, fowl, etc., consumed. To a sensitive mind, the butchers' shops, gorged with the flesh of fat beeves, or the poulterers, with their hecatombs of turkeys...
St Distaff's Day
Here Christ-tide ought to end, and men and women should have returned to their ordinary avocations, but the long holiday demoralised them; and although the women were supposed to set to work on the day succeeding Twelfth day, thence called St. Dista...
St Distaff's Day
Here Christ-tide ought to end, and men and women should have returned to their ordinary avocations, but the long holiday demoralised them; and although the women were supposed to set to work on the day succeeding Twelfth day, thence called St. Dis...
St John's Day
The 27th December is set apart by the Church to commemorate St. John the Evangelist. Googe, in his translation of Naogeorgus, says:-- Next John the sonne of Zebedee hath his appoynted day, Who once by cruell tyraunts will, constrayned ...
St John's Day
The 27th December is set apart by the Church to commemorate St. John the Evangelist. Googe, in his translation of Naogeorgus, says:-- Next John the sonne of Zebedee hath his appoynted day, Who once by cruell tyraunts will, constrayned ...
The Bellman Descriptions Of Him
Before the advent of Christmas the Bellman, or Watchman, left at each house a copy of verses ostensibly breathing good-will and a happy Christmas to the occupants, but in reality as a reminder to them of his existence, and that he would call in du...
The Bellman--descriptions Of Him
Before the advent of Christmas the Bellman, or Watchman, left at each house a copy of verses ostensibly breathing good-will and a happy Christmas to the occupants, but in reality as a reminder to them of his existence, and that he would call in du...
The First Carol
Bishop Jeremy Taylor very appropriately said that the first Christmas carol was sung by the angels at the Nativity of our Saviour--GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN. No man knows when the custom began of singing ...
The First Carol--anglo-norman Carol
Bishop Jeremy Taylor very appropriately said that the first Christmas carol was sung by the angels at the Nativity of our Saviour--GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN. No man knows when the custom began of singing ca...
The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Even the vegetable world contributed to the wonders of Christmas, for was there not the famous Glastonbury Thorn which blossomed on old Christmas day? Legend says that this was the walking staff of Joseph of Arimathaea, who, after Christ's death, ...
The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Even the vegetable world contributed to the wonders of Christmas, for was there not the famous Glastonbury Thorn which blossomed on old Christmas day? Legend says that this was the walking staff of Joseph of Arimathaea, who, after Christ's death, ca...
The King Of The Bean
But another sovereign had a great deal to do with Twelfth day, The King of the Bean, who takes his title from a bean, or a silver penny, baked in a cake, which is cut up and distributed, and he is king in whose slice the bean is found. Naogeorgus ...
The King Of The Bean
But another sovereign had a great deal to do with Twelfth day, The King of the Bean, who takes his title from a bean, or a silver penny, baked in a cake, which is cut up and distributed, and he is king in whose slice the bean is found. Naogeorgus ...
The Lord Of Misrule
We have seen in the account of historic Christ-tides how a Lord of Misrule was nominated to amuse Edward VI., and with what honour he was received at the Mansion house. The popular idea of the Lord of Misrule is that he was a buffoon; but this is ...
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The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
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Christ-tide Carols
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St Distaff's Day
The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
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Commencement Of Christ-tide
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