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A Ballade Of Old Loves
CAROLYN WELLS Who is it stands on the polished stair, A merry, laughing, winsome maid, From the Christmas rose in her golden hair To the high-heeled slippers of spangled suede A glance, half daring and half afraid, ...
A Carol
And here's a Christmas carol meant for children, and most excellent, and though the monk that wrote it was hung, yet still his verses may be sung. As I in a hoarie winter's night Stood shivering in the snow, Surpriz'd I was with...
A Christmas Carmen
JOHN G. WHITTIER I Sound over all waters, reach out from all lands, The chorus of voices, the clasping of hands; Sing hymns that were sung by the stars of the morn, Sing songs of the angels when Jesus was born! ...
A Christmas Carol
JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL What means this glory round our feet, The Magi mused, more bright than morn? And voices chanted clear and sweet, To-day the Prince of Peace is born! What means that star, the Shepherds said, ...
A Christmas Carol
AUBREY DE VERE They leave the land of gems and gold, The shining portals of the East; For Him, the woman's Seed foretold, They leave the revel and the feast. To earth their sceptres they have cast, And crowns...
A Christmas Carol
CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI In the bleak mid-winter Frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, Snow on snow, In the bleak mid-winter Long ago. ...
A Christmas Carol
JOSIAH GILBERT HOLLAND There's a song in the air! There's a star in the sky! There's a mother's deep prayer And a baby's low cry! And the star rains its fire while the Beautiful sing, For the ...
A Christmas Carol
CHRISTIAN BURKE The trees are hung with crystal lamps, the world lies still and white, And the myriad little twinkling stars are sharp with keener light; The moon sails up the frost-clear sky and silvers all the snow, As she d...
A Christmas Carol For Children
MARTIN LUTHER Good news from heaven the angels bring, Glad tidings to the earth they sing: To us this day a child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven. This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need ...
A Christmas Hymn
ALFRED DOMETT It was the calm and silent night! Seven hundred years and fifty-three Had Rome been growing up to might, And now was Queen of land and sea. No sound was heard of clashing wars; Peace brooded o'er ...
A Christmas Hymn
ANON Written in the Chapel of the Manger, in the Convent Church of Bethlehem, Palestine: In the fields where, long ago, Dropping tears, amid the leaves, Ruth's young feet went to and fro, Binding up the scattered sheav...
A Christmas Insurrection
ANNE P.L. FIELD In the hush of a shivery Christmas-tide dawn Sing hey! sing ho! heigho! Three small frozen figures hung stiff and forlorn Sing hey! sing ho! heigho! Three dim ghostly forms in the glimmering gray ...
A Christmas Lullaby
JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS Sleep, baby, sleep! The Mother sings: Heaven's angels kneel and fold their wings. Sleep, baby, sleep! With swathes of scented hay Thy bed By Mary's hand at eve was spread. ...
A Christmas Song
WILLIAM COX BENNETT Blow, wind, blow, Sing through yard and shroud; Pipe it shrilly and loud, Aloft as well as below; Sing in my sailor's ear The song I sing to you, Come home, my sailor true, For Chris...
A Christmas Song
TUDOR JENKS When mother-love makes all things bright, When joy comes with the morning light, When children gather round their tree, Thou Christmas Babe, We sing of Thee! When manhood's brows are bent in...
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The Two Princes
The Mother
The Spirit Of Christmas
The Three Kings
Christmas Bells
A Christmas Carol
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Christmas Bells
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Hymn
The Goblins' Christmas
A Christmas Song
Christmas At Fezziwig's Warehouse
The Queerest Christmas
The Telltale Tile