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Christmas History
All Christmas History
Christmas's Lamentation
Christmas is my name, far have I gone, Without regard; without regard. Whereas great men by flocks there be flown, To London-ward--to London Ward. There they in pomp and pleasure do waste That which Old Christmas ...
New Year's Eve--wassail
New Year's eve is variously kept--by some in harmless mirth, by others in religious exercises. Many churches in England have late services, which close at midnight with a carol or appropriate hymn, and this custom is especially held by the Wesleyan ...
The Popular Love Of Christmas
And this was the general feeling. Parliament might sit, as we learn by The Kingdome's Weekly Intelligencer, No. 152: Thursday, December 25, vulgarly known by the name of Christmas Day, both Houses sate. The House of Commons, more especially, debat...
A Christmas Jest
This is rather sorry stuff; but then in purely rural places, untouched by that great civiliser, the railroad, a little wit goes a great way, as we may see by the following story told in Pasquil's Jests, 1604. There was some time an old knight, who...
A Christmas Jest--ben Jonson's Masque Of Christmas
This is rather sorry stuff; but then in purely rural places, untouched by that great civiliser, the railroad, a little wit goes a great way, as we may see by the following story told in Pasquil's Jests, 1604. There was some time an old knight, who, ...
A Riotous Lord Of Misrule At The Temple
The high spirits of the Temple Sparks occasionally led them to licence, as the author of The Reign of King Charles (1655) tells us was the case in 1627. That Christmas the Temple Sparks had enstalled a Lieutenant, which we country folk call a Lord...
A Riotous Lord Of Misrule At The Temple-
The high spirits of the Temple Sparks occasionally led them to licence, as the author of The Reign of King Charles (1655) tells us was the case in 1627. That Christmas the Temple Sparks had enstalled a Lieutenant, which we country folk call a Lord...
Attempts Of Puritans To Put Down Christ-tide
As soon as the Puritans became at all powerful, their iconoclastic zeal naturally attacked Christmas, and the Scotchmen, such as Baillie, Rutherford, Gillespie, and Henderson, in the Westminster Assembly of Divines, tried in 1643 to get the English ...
Attempts Of Puritans To Put Down Christ-tide
As soon as the Puritans became at all powerful, their iconoclastic zeal naturally attacked Christmas, and the Scotchmen, such as Baillie, Rutherford, Gillespie, and Henderson, in the Westminster Assembly of Divines, tried in 1643 to get the English ...
Carol For St Stephen's Day
On the day succeeding Christmas day the Church commemorates the death of the proto-martyr Stephen, and in honour of this festival the following carol is sung:-- In friendly Love and Unity, For good St. Stephen's Sake, Let us all...
Carol For St Stephen's Day
On the day succeeding Christmas day the Church commemorates the death of the proto-martyr Stephen, and in honour of this festival the following carol is sung:-- In friendly Love and Unity, For good St. Stephen's Sake, Let us a...
Chapter Vii
Paddington Charity (Bread and Cheese Lands) Until Christmas eve there is nothing remarkable about this Novena of Christ-tide, excepting a curious charitable custom which used to obtain in the parish of Paddington, which may be well describe...
Christ-tide Carols
The singing of carols is now confined to Christmas day; but it was not always so, appropriate carols being sung during the Christ-tide preceding the day of the Nativity--such, for instance, as the following examples. The first is taken from Sloane...
Christ-tide Carols
The singing of carols is now confined to Christmas day; but it was not always so, appropriate carols being sung during the Christ-tide preceding the day of the Nativity--such, for instance, as the following examples. The first is taken from Sloane...
Christ-tide Literature
The literature specially designed nowadays for Christmas reading is certainly not of a high order, whether we take books--which are issued at this time by the hundred--or the special numbers of magazines and newspapers, all of which have rubbishing ...
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The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Christmas Eve--herrick Thereon
Paddington Charity (bread And Cheese Lands)
Legends Of The Nativity
Christ-tide Carols
Historic Christ-tides In 790 878 And 1065
Historic Christ-tides--edward Vi 1551
Decorating With Evergreens
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St Distaff's Day
The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Legends Of The Nativity
Decorating With Evergreens
Christmas Eve In North Notts
Christmas Eve--herrick Thereon
Commencement Of Christ-tide
The Popular Love Of Christmas