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Eve Of Twelfth Day
The 5th of January is the eve of the Epiphany, and the Vigil of Twelfth day, which used to be celebrated by the liberal use of the customary wassail bowl. In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1791, p. 116, we get a good account of the customs in Herefo...
Eve Of Twelfth Day
The 5th of January is the eve of the Epiphany, and the Vigil of Twelfth day, which used to be celebrated by the liberal use of the customary wassail bowl. In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1791, p. 116, we get a good account of the customs in Herefo...
Historic Christ-tides
Only one is noted in the reign of Edward VI., that of 1551, of which Holinshed writes, Wherefore, as well to remove fond talke out of men's mouths, as also to recreat and refresh the troubled spirits of the young king; who seemed to take the trouble...
Historic Christ-tides In 790 878 And 1065
The earliest historic Christmas in England was 790, when the Welsh suddenly attacked the soldiers of Offa, King of Mercia, who were celebrating Christ-tide, and slew many of them; and in 878, when Alfred was doing likewise at Chippenham, that Guth...
Historic Christ-tides--edward Vi 1551
Only one is noted in the reign of Edward VI., that of 1551, of which Holinshed writes, Wherefore, as well to remove fond talke out of men's mouths, as also to recreat and refresh the troubled spirits of the young king; who seemed to take the troub...
Honey Fairs Card-playing At Christmas
Time's Telescope (1824, p. 297) notes that in Cumberland, and in all the great towns in the north of England, about a week before Christmas, what are called Honey fairs were held, in which dancing forms the leading amusement. Card-playing, too, w...
Honey Fairs--card-playing At Christmas
Time's Telescope (1824, p. 297) notes that in Cumberland, and in all the great towns in the north of England, about a week before Christmas, what are called Honey fairs were held, in which dancing forms the leading amusement. Card-playing, too,...
Legends Of The Nativity
It would indeed be singular if an event of such importance as the birth, as man, of the Son of God had not been specially marked out by signs and wonders, and that many legends concerning these should be rife. Naturally He was welcomed by the heaven...
Legends Of The Nativity
It would indeed be singular if an event of such importance as the birth, as man, of the Son of God had not been specially marked out by signs and wonders, and that many legends concerning these should be rife. Naturally He was welcomed by the heav...
New Year's Day
There is a peculiar feeling of satisfaction that comes over us with the advent of the New Year. The Old Year, with its joys and sorrows, its gains and disappointments, is irrevocably dead--dead without hope of resurrection, and there is not one of...
New Year's Day
There is a peculiar feeling of satisfaction that comes over us with the advent of the New Year. The Old Year, with its joys and sorrows, its gains and disappointments, is irrevocably dead--dead without hope of resurrection, and there is not one of u...
New Year's Eve
New Year's eve is variously kept--by some in harmless mirth, by others in religious exercises. Many churches in England have late services, which close at midnight with a carol or appropriate hymn, and this custom is especially held by the Wesleyan ...
Ordinance Against Out-door Revelry
These Christmas revelries were sometimes carried to excess, and needed curbing with the strong hand of the law, an early instance of which we find in Letter Book I. of the Corporation of the City of London, fol. 223, 6 Henry V., A.D. 1418. The Ma...
Ordinance Against Out-door Revelry
These Christmas revelries were sometimes carried to excess, and needed curbing with the strong hand of the law, an early instance of which we find in Letter Book I. of the Corporation of the City of London, fol. 223, 6 Henry V., A.D. 1418. The ...
Paddington Charity (bread And Cheese Lands)
Until Christmas eve there is nothing remarkable about this Novena of Christ-tide, excepting a curious charitable custom which used to obtain in the parish of Paddington, which may be well described by a quotation from the London Magazine (December...
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The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Christmas Eve--herrick Thereon
Paddington Charity (bread And Cheese Lands)
Legends Of The Nativity
Christ-tide Carols
Historic Christ-tides In 790 878 And 1065
Historic Christ-tides--edward Vi 1551
Decorating With Evergreens
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St Distaff's Day
The Glastonbury Thorn Its Legend
Legends Of The Nativity
Decorating With Evergreens
Christmas Eve In North Notts
Christmas Eve--herrick Thereon
Commencement Of Christ-tide
The Popular Love Of Christmas