Masters In This Hall



To Bethlem did they go, the shepherds three;

To Bethlem did they go to see whe'r it were so or no,

Whether Christ were born or no

To set men free.

Masters, in this hall,

Hear ye news to-day

Brought over sea,

And ever I you pray.

_Nowell! Nowell! Nowe
l! Nowell!

Sing we clear!

Holpen are all folk on earth,

Born is God's Son so dear._

Going over the hills,

Through the milk-white snow,

Heard I ewes bleat

While the wind did blow.

Nowell, &c.

Shepherds many an one

Sat among the sheep;

No man spake more word

Than they had been asleep.

Nowell, &c.

Quoth I 'Fellows mine,

Why this guise sit ye?

Making but dull cheer,

Shepherds though ye be?

Nowell, &c.

'Shepherds should of right

Leap and dance and sing;

Thus to see ye sit

Is a right strange thing.'

Nowell, &c.

Quoth these fellows then

'To Bethlem town we go,

To see a Mighty Lord

Lie in manger low.'

Nowell, &c.

'How name ye this Lord,

Shepherds?' then said I.

'Very God' they said,

'Come from Heaven high.'

Nowell, &c.

Then to Bethlem town

We went two and two,

And in a sorry place

Heard the oxen low.

Nowell, &c.

Therein did we see

A sweet and goodly May,

And a fair old man;

Upon the straw she lay.

Nowell, &c.

And a little CHILD

On her arm had she;

'Wot ye who this is?'

Said the hinds to me.

Nowell, &c.

Ox and ass him know,

Kneeling on their knee:

Wondrous joy had I

This little BABE to see.

Nowell, &c.

This is CHRIST the Lord,

Masters, be ye glad!

Christmas is come in,

And no folk should be sad.

Nowell, &c.

